Piątek, 26 Kwietnia 2024   imieniny: Maria, Marcelina, Marzena
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Why Police Touch Your Taillight, It's Extremely Important!

How to Deal with the Police. Have you ever noticed a police officer feeling his way along a car’s taillight during a stop? Most of us have either been pulled over or observed it happening to someone else. Regardless of what the fault may be, when a vehicle is stopped, one thing is for sure: the officer will slide their hand across the car’s taillight on their way to the driver’s window. This is a common practice amongst police officers all around the world, and it’s considered extremely important. TIMESTAMPS Driving statistics 1:01 The dangers of being a police officer 2:44 Why do the police tap your taillight 3:38 To frighten the driver 3:57 To leave their fingerprint on the vehicle 4:27 As a ritual 5:06 What to do if they tap your taillight 6:24 Music: Eyes of Glory SUMMARY -Statistically, there are over 1.2 billion people worldwide driving their cars on the road every day. The average American spends 17,600 minutes driving their car every year. -Over 50 American police officers were killed last year during routine vehicle stops. These officers pulled over drivers for a variety of reasons, including speeding, stolen vehicles, and running red lights. -Tapping the taillight is a custom that dates back to before the invention of police cameras, and it’s still taught today in police academies. Basically, they are trying to catch you doing something wrong. -A short, sharp noise from the back of the car can frighten someone attempting to hide drugs or weapons in the front seat. -To ensure that there is evidence that an officer pulled over a specific car, the police will always attempt to leave their fingerprint on the rear light of the vehicle. -New technology has essentially made leaving evidence on the taillight obsolete, but the police continue to do it. From accounts of police officers themselves, they want to touch the taillight out of sheer loyalty to what it represents. -If you notice a police officer tap the back light after pulling you over, it’s important not to get upset or angry. You may think that you have done nothing wrong and are being treated as a criminal, but the officer is just being cautious. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: Instagram: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:


Data pliku video: 2018-08-07, Źródło artykułu:
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