Piątek, 21 Lutego 2025   imieniny: Eleonora, Feliks, Kiejstus
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Police Officer Rescues Five Teens from Storm Drain (Massillon, Ohio)

Watch as Massillon, Ohio Police Officer Aaron Franklin teams up with the city's fire chief to rescue five teenage boys from a high-flow storm drain after the group was swept away by strong currents following a brief but heavy rain. A total of six teens between the ages of 13 and 15 were playing in the city's typically-placid Sippo Creek after the downpour, but their afternoon of fun ended quickly when one of the kids lost his footing and was taken away by the current. The remaining boys tried to form a human chain to rescue him… and they soon found themselves ALL downstream, holding on to avoid being swept into underground tunnels. Luckily, one of the five managed to make it back to high ground. He called 911. Officer Franklin was the first to arrive on the scene, and he kicked into gear, assisting firefighters by tossing a life ring to retrieve the nearest two teens, after which Massillon Fire Chief Tom Burgasser tethered himself to 300 feet of rope and was lowered downstream to retrieve two more teens who he found just inside a drainage pipe. The sixth teen had been swept away entirely, taken through a maze of pitch-black underground storm drain pipes and eventually spat out in a reservoir one mile away. From there, he managed to reach shore on his own. Fun day at the creek. (Did I mention that Officer Franklin would resuscitate an overdose patient less than two hours after this incident? Full video of that coming soon.)


Real World Police
Data pliku video: 2019-07-04, Źródło artykułu:
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