♦Warning Graphic Content♦ Following a New Jersey Supreme Court ruling earlier this month that dashcam footage of fatal police involved shootings should be released in most cases as a matter of public interest, the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office is releasing dashboard camera footage of the March 2014 police-involved shooting death of a Williamstown man in Atlantic City.
On June 23, 2015, an Atlantic County Grand Jury reviewed the evidence of the March 2014 police-involved shooting death in Atlantic City of a Williamstown man, and declined to bring criminal indictments against the police officers involved.
On June 23, 2015, First Assistant Prosecutor Diane Ruberton presented the case to an Atlantic County Grand Jury. The Grand Jury declined to indict any police officers for their actions.
The Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office investigated the incident, as mandated by New Jersey Attorney General Directive.
A nationally renowned expert on police use of force reviewed the evidence gathered during the course of the investigation, inspected the scene, and inspected all physical evidence. This expert concluded that the use of force by police officers under these circumstances was lawful, and consistent with all applicable law enforcement guidelines and standard police training.
On March 27, 2014, between 11:30 am and noon, Antoquan T. Watson entered the La Escondida II Restaurant and Bar at 701 West Black Horse Pike in Pleasantville. Mr. Watson went to the bar area of the establishment and ordered and consumed two beers. He had been to this establishment on prior occasions and was recognized by employees of the restaurant. Mr. Watson then attempted to pay for his beers with a credit card, which was refused by the issuer. Mr. Watson then presented a second credit card, which was also refused. Ultimately, he paid for his drinks in cash.
The rest of the description is in the comment section because it is too long→
♦Disclaimer: This video is NOT intended to be violent or glorify violence in any way. We are sharing the footage STRICTLY for the purposes of news reporting and educating.
Powiat policki - utworzony wskutek reformy administracyjnej w 1999 roku powiat znajduje się w północno-zachodniej części naszego kraju, w województwie zachodniopomorskim, a stolicą i siedzibą jego władz są Police. Ciekawostkę stanowi fakt, iż jest to powiat o najmniejszym obszarze w skali województwa. Gminy, jakie wchodzą w skład powiatu to: Nowe Warpno, Police, Dobra (Szczecińska), Kołbaskowo.
Gospodarka powiatu mocno opiera się na przemyśle chemicznym.
Na miejsce dotrzemy autostradą A6, drogami krajowymi nr 10 i 13, drogami wojewódzkimi 114 i 115.
Gdy już znajdziemy się na polickiej ziemi warto zobaczyć liczne zabytki w Starym Mieście w Policach, Rezerwat przyrody Świdwie, kościół w Trzeszczynie (XVII w.). Popływać też jest gdzie. W Nowym Warpnie i Trzebieży znajdziemy kąpieliska, a na lewym dopływie Odry, czyli Gunicy, która przepływa przez powiat, uruchomiono szlak kajakowy.