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Bodycam Footage Shows Police Shootout in Tulsa, Oklahoma

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) ** Body camera footage was released and charges were filed against John Chatman who is accused of shooting at police in a QuikTrip parking lot last Tuesday. John Terry Chatman Jr., 34, was charged Wednesday in Tulsa County District Court with three counts of shooting with intent to kill, possession of a firearm after a felony conviction, obstruction, driving under suspension and driving with an improper tag. A warrant also was issued for his arrest. Prosecutors say Chatman shot at three Tulsa police officers during a traffic stop in the parking lot of the QuikTrip near Harvard Avenue and Interstate 44 on July 3, according to a news release from the District Attorney's Office. One of the officers was shot in the leg and was released from the hospital later that day. Officers returned fire, striking him in the chest. He remained hospitalized Wednesday. The names of the officers involved in the shooting have not been released. Tulsa police spokesman Shane Tuell said the agency has adopted a new policy of waiting at least five to seven days to release the names of officers involved in shootings. Previously, TPD would release their names within two to three days. Tuell said that wasn't enough time for the officers to inform family of the situation and, sometimes, temporarily relocate for safety reasons. He said officers often receive threats after being named in a shooting. Tuell said he believed the names of the officers involved in the July 3 shooting will be released soon. The officer who was shot is on medical leave, while two officers who fired their weapons are on routine administrative leave during the investigation. State records show Chatman has served time in prison for convictions of second-degree burglary and distribution of a controlled dangerous substance. Donate to PoliceActivity: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter:


Data pliku video: 2018-07-12, Źródło artykułu:
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