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Police Officer fired after telling black men they 'don't belong' in his city

A police officer has been fired after video footage showed him telling a group of black men they did not “belong” in England, Arkansas on July 21. Officer Mike Moore made the comment after the men, which included Demarcus Bunch and his cousin Shannon Scribner, suggested he had been unnecessarily following them. Bunch filmed the conversation and posted the clip on Facebook on August 7, stating; “We now all fear driving to or through England because of the one police officer presented in this video.” In the clip, the men approach Moore while filming him, prompting him to ask; "Are you recording right now?” Bunch responds; “Yeah, we are," to which Moore says: “You know why? Because you don’t belong in my city.” Bunch then replies; “We’re from here” before explaining that he grew up in the area and attended England High school. Moore then says; “But you understand. I know who my people are, right? Who belongs here and who doesn’t? We’ve got gang wars going on and all kinds of stuff. And I come from the big city. But this stuff is small, OK? So that’s cool. Do your thing.” According to THV11, the men filed a complaint following the incident on July 21. After not receiving a response from police for at least 15 days, they shared the video on Facebook on August 7. In a press release sent to the TV network on August 8, England Police Chief Danna Powell said officer Moore was fired from his position after the incident. Sun Subscribers get the latest breaking news and videos directly to their feed. SUBSCRIBE NOW and hit the bell to be the first in the know.


The Sun
Data pliku video: 2018-08-10, Źródło artykułu:
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