Niedziela, 6 Października 2024   imieniny: Petra, Fryderyka, Artur
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Bodycam Footage Shows OKC Police Shooting Knife Wielding Man

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) ** Oklahoma City police have released body camera footage of an officer-involved shooting in southeast Oklahoma City. Earlier this month, police responded to an incident involving a man beating a woman at a home on Corona Drive, near SE 89th and S. Santa Fe Avenue. A woman told dispatchers that Jonathan Boyd became angry and assaulted her. According to the affidavit, the victim was left with bruises on her face and scratches on her neck and chest. When police arrived at the scene, Boyd wasn't at the home, but they were able to talk to the alleged victim. “He's going to make ya'll shoot him,” she said. Boyd was ultimately found in the backyard of a home across the street. "They went into the backyard to the residence across the street and they located the suspect," Oklahoma City Police Capt. Bo Mathews said earlier this month. "The suspect came at them, he had a knife in his hand. They ordered him to drop it and then they shot him and one person used the taser." In the body camera footage released on Thursday, you can hear an officer telling Boyd to come to them. At that point, they realized he was armed. "Hey, gun, gun," one officer is heard saying. Investigators say Boyd was ignoring commands to drop his weapon and was approaching police with a knife. “Go ahead shoot me mother f*****,” Boyd can be heard saying. Authorities say Boyd continued to advance toward them, which is when he was shot. Boyd was treated at a hospital for his injuries and released. He is charged with domestic violence and aggravated assault with a dangerous weapon. Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter:


Data pliku video: 2018-03-30, Źródło artykułu:
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